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Intelligently Artificial FC - A Robocup Simulation League Team

See: Description

Package Description
Agent types.
The AI Components which form the model processing chain.
Actions that agents may execute.
Objects used for holding model information.
State and State Machine classes for the AgentAction AI Component.
Value types used to store percept info.
The origianl classes provided for the coursework.

Intelligently Artificial FC - A Robocup Simulation League Team

IN3044 Coursework - Created by James Frost and Raghav Narula

Performance Measures

Environment Properties

Partially Observable - Each agent is only able to observe other objects within it’s viewable angle, and within a maximum distance in the simulation environment.
Stochastic - The simulation server includes noise models for movement, communication and senses such as vision and hearing, thus the information received includes some random variability and is essentially unpredictable.
Sequential - The agent’s actions can will affect the state of the environment in the next simulation step.
Semi-Dynamic - The simulation environment will continue regardless of how long agents take to send responses to information received, however information is received in discrete time steps.
Continuous - Although the simulation environment is built from discrete primitives, it is designed to emulate a continuous environment, and should be treated as such.
Known - The physical properties of the environment are known, given in the Robocup Simulator manual.

Agent Type

Our agent implementation is a model based reflex agent. The model is a combination of a model.EnvironmentModel object and multiple AIComponent objects in the ai package. Component objects populate the model with information derived from sensors at each simulation step. If a simulation step does not contain enough information, the components store information to make estimations about what the values should be.

System Architecture

Our solution for this coursework is designed around the concept of a one-way data flow. Our model is re-created at every simulation step. The process begins with the server sending our ControllerPlayer information via the info* methods. Once all the information is gathered into a Percept, a new model object is created. This model object is passed sequentially through a chain of "AI Components" (in package ai) that implement the IChainable Interface via the ai.AbstractSimpleAIComponent abstract class.

Each component is responsible for adding more information in to the model by using information contained in the percept. This could be simple information such as the current play mode, or involve more complex calculations such as to determine the agent's current location.

By the time the model has passed through all the components the model should contain enough information to determine what set of actions need to be executed. Actions are executed in the final component, the AgentActionAIComponent. Here the state design pattern is used to organise the agent's behaviour.

The concept is illustrated in the diagram below.

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