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SeeBallInfo - Class in info
Created by raghavnarula on 20/10/15.
SeeBallInfo(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class info.SeeBallInfo
SeeFlagInfo - Class in info
Created by raghavnarula on 19/10/15.
SeeFlagInfo(SeeFlagInfo.FlagLine, SeeFlagInfo.FlagSide, Flag, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class info.SeeFlagInfo
SeeFlagInfo.FlagLine - Enum in info
SeeFlagInfo.FlagSide - Enum in info
SeeFlagInfoTest - Class in info
SeeFlagInfo tests
SeeFlagInfoTest() - Constructor for class info.SeeFlagInfoTest
SeeLineInfo - Class in info
Created by raghavnarula on 20/10/15.
SeeLineInfo(Line, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class info.SeeLineInfo
SeePlayerInfo - Class in info
Created by raghavnarula on 20/10/15.
SeePlayerInfo(SeePlayerInfo.PlayerTeam, int, boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class info.SeePlayerInfo
SeePlayerInfo.PlayerTeam - Enum in info
SenseBodyInfo - Class in info
Created by raghavnarula on 20/10/15.
SenseBodyInfo(ViewQuality, ViewAngle, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class info.SenseBodyInfo
setAgentAbsAngleRadians(double) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setAgentLocation(Vector2D) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setAgentToGoal(Vector2D) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setAgentVelocityVector(Vector2D) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setBallAngle(double) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setBallLocation(Vector2D) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setCoach(ActionsCoach) - Method in class agent.Coach
setFriendlyPlayerLocations(HashMap<Integer, Vector2D>) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setGoalAngle(double) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setGoalLocation(Vector2D) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setHasAgentAbsAngle() - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setHomeArea(HomeArea) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setMovementArea(MovementArea) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setNext(IChainable) - Method in class ai.AbstractAsyncAIComponent
setNext(IChainable) - Method in class ai.AbstractSimpleAIComponent
setNext(IChainable) - Method in interface ai.IChainable
Should set what getNext() returns.
setOpposingPlayerLocations(HashMap<Integer, Vector2D>) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setOwnGoalLocation(Vector2D) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setPlayer(ActionsPlayer) - Method in class agent.Player
setPlayer(ActionsPlayer) - Method in class provided.Silly
setPlayer(ActionsPlayer) - Method in class provided.Simple
setPlayMode(PlayMode) - Method in class ai.model.EnvironmentModel
setType(String) - Method in class agent.Player
setType(String) - Method in class provided.Silly
setType(String) - Method in class provided.Simple
Silly - Class in provided
Silly class.
Silly() - Constructor for class provided.Silly
Simple - Class in provided
A simple controller.
Simple() - Constructor for class provided.Simple
Constructs a new simple client.
Simple1Run - Class in provided
A main class to start a simply silly team.
Simple1Run() - Constructor for class provided.Simple1Run
Simple2Run - Class in provided
A main class to start a simply silly team.
Simple2Run() - Constructor for class provided.Simple2Run
SimplySillyTeam - Class in provided
A class to setup a Simple Silly AbstractTeam.
SimplySillyTeam(String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class provided.SimplySillyTeam
Constructs a new simple silly team.
State - Interface in ai.stateMachine
Interface for all agent behavioural states.
StateMachine - Class in ai.stateMachine
This is the agent's main behavioural state machine and implements the state design pattern.
StateMachine(CommandPlayer) - Constructor for class ai.stateMachine.StateMachine
Create a state machine for a particular agent.
SUPPORT_STATE - Static variable in class ai.stateMachine.StateMachine
SupportState - Class in ai.stateMachine
This state is used when the agent doesnt have the ball but a team member does.
SupportState() - Constructor for class ai.stateMachine.SupportState
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